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Assignment 1
Think about yourself worthy to be called as IT professional, how do you see yourself 10 years from now, what are your strategies to get there?
Today, the term information has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems.
As an IT student now, it would be our vision to be an IT professional someday that is fully equip in our chosen field. To be one of the worthy IT professional that can contribute to the development of information technology and on the industry. That would also help us to be productive, and improve more in the path we choose and as an individual. To have a confidence and enough knowledge in developing good applications and programs that has a big contribution in our field. Additionally, we could prove that we are capable and worthy to be called as an IT professional someday.
We are still on the course of educating ourselves to learn things in the nature of Information Technology. Learning the things that have something to do in this kind of environment. Exploring the world of technology that has been introduced to us and discovering those things that we are not yet acquaint with. Information technology is truly a broad scope it encompasses. As a student, we still have so many things to be done first before we achieve our goal. Develop first our potentials and get to know ourselves what we really want to be in the future.
Self-restraint is one of the many things that we need to train to ensure proper behavior. In other words it would be the attitude. One of the most problems each one would encounter has something to do with it. In any fields or any activity one would get into. Proper behavior is a must to each one in order to be successful in each and everyone’s journey in life or in career.
Furthermore, knowledge is also necessary. How well do we know about the things we enter. Do we really understand the concept, idea, nature, and environment of being an IT people and in the field of information technology? There are many things that we need to consider in whatever we decide to be in the coming years. We need to be aware and has a full grasp of what we are about to live someday, so that we might not get out of the track that we are heading for. It is very essential to know these things as early as now with the intention of becoming prepared to the obstacles and challenges we will certainly come across in our way ahead. In order to be successful, we also need enough information of what we are taking into. The necessary, essential and crucial data that has to be understand well and comprehend too.
We all know that technology nowadays is necessary in an organization to be competitive and to attain their goals and to be successful as a result. Technology makes an organization grow more productive and progressive.
My vision…
Honestly, I’m still on the verge on discovering my true self and the area I would most likely to prefer. It may be stupid to say, but honestly I still don’t really know exactly what I really wanted to be and to do in the future, specifically. One thing for sure I vision in the future is to be part of a big organization as one of their IT personnel were I could have a big contribution in the progress of the company in terms of information technology. And later on, I dream to have my own business in our country were I can showcase my own ideas, knowledge and interest in information technology. As part of it, I also hope that I can explore more not only in our own country but also to work abroad and experience to how things work in their place. I wanted to learn, experience, grow and help others the best way I can, in any ways I could. I wanted to do my part as an individual and at the same time enjoy life in productive way.
Organizations try to do more and more internally when the economy begins to falter. The more skills a person has the better chances one has to stay employed. This holds true for IT staffing, development and consulting. Additionally, when a developer or infrastructure architect can show an organization how to save time, investment and people through the implementation of their solution they will endear themselves to that particular organization. Good information technology strategy can more than pay for itself in this economy. Organizations everywhere are dependent on technology and they need processes to become dynamically automated so they can accomplish more with less expense to the movement towards models of efficiency that will contribute to the productivity of the organization. It is very essential to make it a mission to learn more applications and methodologies that can greatly increase the productivity of any company. To do this is to build value for the organization and you by ensuring there will always be a job for those that are willing to innovate and create a better way.
In visualizing dreams in the future, there should be plans and consequently strategies to make to achieve our goals. One of the strategies I have in mind is to have a good foundation in what I planned to be in the future. To be geared up with the necessary things I should before I walk in to what they say reality. To possibly build that foundation it is a best practice to finish first our studies. Given a big picture on the scenario of reality and given enough time to think and decide of our own. Of course, part of this is to have a good grade while still in school because performance in the school has a substantial effect in our personality or behavior as an individual.
Another thing is advancing the knowledge. Not just to limit the ideas and areas of opportunity for technology innovate every now and then. Explore and be open to the new innovations and advancement to take place. For life is a constant learning of new things for improvements and to stay competitive and productive.
Develop ones self to proper work behavior. Towards the future plans and indulge to work it is always comes with proper approach to it. Since, it is most likely that IT people should be working as a team it is more conducive to have a positive attitude to have a good working relationship. We are talking here as part of an organization and it is healthy practice to stay in the organization, and to make a good work force for the success of the projects and the company.
Choosing a specialty. To have a specialty in our chosen field could be a strategy to attain our goal. Since, information technology covers bulky area it would be more effective to choose a specialty to focus on but of course this doesn’t mean we will limit our ideas, knowledge and workplace in the field we specialize on.
Here are some of the career-wise, software developers that really have an amazing variety of specialties to choose from. The various specialties can be differentiated in several ways:
- by programming language
- by hardware platform
- by operating system
- by technique and/or process
- by persistence type (that is, relational databases vs. object databases vs. flat file databases etc.)
- by vertical market
- by market sector (government vs. business vs. non-profit)
- internal use vs. shrink-wrap
- client/server vs. distributed n-tier
- fat client vs. thin client
- Open Source vs. proprietary
This list could go on and on. It seems as if there are as many specialties (or rather, combinations of specialties) as there are individual developers. Most developers cultivate not just one specialty, but rather a combination of specialties that cut across all of these differentiating factors. Independent consultants, especially, must diversify their portfolio of specialties in order to protect against the whims of the marketplace—or perhaps just to prevent boredom. The difference between one developer’s combination of specialties and another’s is often simply a matter of emphasis of one factor over the others.
In choosing the “right” specialty we would ask this question, “Which is the "right" specialty?” The answer to that question will, of course, be different for each person. Furthermore, there are most likely several "right" specialties. Any given person might thrive and be happy in any one of them—or even several of them over the course of a career. With so many potentially lucrative and enjoyable specialties, and potentially several decades in a career, there is no reason a person must limit herself to just one specialty. To choose on the kind of specialty it would be one that:
- makes you happy most of the time,
- offers you the amount and kind of security you desire,
- offers you the level and type of challenges you desire,
- and has the potential for the amount of money you require or desire (assuming money is important to you in your software development career).
These are minimal and general criteria, but there are other more specific concerns as well:
- Does the specialty have longevity?
- Does the specialty appeal to your sensibilities? For example, your sensibilities might lean towards using a low level language in a command line environment, while someone else might strongly prefer a higher level language in a graphical environment. One person might want to work on relatively low risk business applications, while another might thrive on the pressure of developing life-critical systems.
- Is the specialty in line with your abilities? That is, do you have a) the right kind of training and knowledge, and b) the required intelligence and/or temperament?, and/or c) the drive and dedication to acquire the right training and knowledge, whether or not you possess the required intelligence and temperament.
- Given that you have the intelligence and temperament, and that you have, or can obtain, the required training and knowledge, is the specialty otherwise within your reach? How high is the barrier to entry? That is, who do you have to know to get a job working in a particular specialty? How many of those jobs are available? What parts of the world are those jobs located in? What kind of background is required? What kind of credentials or certifications are required? What kind of government security clearances are required?
- Is the specialty too narrow for you, too wide, or just right?
- Is the specialty in line with your life principles and ethics? Particularly, are you willing to work for the companies or government agencies that will pay for the specialty?
- Is the specialty undergoing rapid evolution, or are techniques, body of knowledge, and technologies relatively stable? If the specialty is undergoing rapid evolution, are you willing to put in the extra time and energy to keep up?
- Is the specialty going to suit your ego? That is, how is the specialty regarded in the industry at large, and do you care what other people might think about the specialty? Do you care that your specialty might be ignored by technology journalists, book publishers, academics, and/or gurus? Or do you require that your specialty be a popular one?
Have faith. In spite of all the challenges that we had and we will be having, we should not to let ourselves lose hope. We need to believe in order to survive and step forward to follow our dreams.
This is our opportunity. Make it happen!
